Break Down the Silos in Talent Acquisition: Earn a Certification Today!
Terms like recruitment and talent acquisition are often misinterpreted. Most people think both these terms are synonymous, but the fact is, it isn’t. However, big giant companies know there’s a difference between the two terms. Recruitment and talent acquisition may be used under different circumstances and for different purposes. Recruitment is all about filling vacancies and this can be for a shorter-term, but with talent acquisition, it is for a longer duration. One tends to be tactical and the other more strategic.
You will often come across managers complaining about the lack of qualified candidates. One major reason why vacancies remain unfilled for months together. There seem to be an endless ocean of promising candidates that gets flushed nowhere.
Does this sound familiar to you? Probably you’re facing the same nightmare now. But are you working toward improving the current state of the workforce? Today, candidates have better options. Thus, leaving recruiters scrambling their ways to find the right and relevant talent. An ideal way to keep yourself from falling behind with the older traditional workforce is to stay updated — that is where talent management poses its importance.
What is talent acquisition?
Talent acquisition is a strategy that most HR professionals follow to hire the right talent for the given job role. For any organization to succeed, it is crucial to not able to spot the right candidate but it is important to initiate training, development practices that ensure the new employees realize their full potential.
Hey, wait. This sounds exactly like recruiting.
Precisely, recruiting is focused more toward filling in an immediate vacancy, whereas, talent acquisition is a strategy where the organization’s core focus is projected toward finding and recruiting industry leaders or specialists for certain job roles that require specific skillset.
Hiring and recruiting the right set of candidates can be challenging. Certain organizations devote their entire team to talent management — this helps human resource development strategies that keep the company achieve its goal. However, to remain successful at global talent management, the organization needs to do more than just recruiting and filling in vacancies. The need for building strategy, integrating culture, and building an internal consistency is required.
Why do you need talent acquisition certification?
Technology is moving at a breakneck speed. Research from McKinsey says, 50% of the activities are now automatable. In simple words, technologies have eased the way we perform tasks and has become a time-saver.
AI and automation are coming for your jobs!
Rhetorical it is, but the reality is different.
We can now finally bid goodbye to the countless hours we spend sorting resumes, scheduling interviews and working on many mundane tasks. Thanks to the advent of technology. However, due to the rise of automation, our roles have come to a halt.
The unemployment rate had dropped down drastically over the past decade (4%). Being talent acquisition professionals, we need to become more strategic toward the approach we use. If we want to stand a chance and be a lucky lot of filling at least a single position among 6.6 million open positions that are going to open in the U.S., then we need to move fast.
Of all the disciplines in human resource, talent acquisition is moving at a rather faster speed. That is one major reason why taking up talent acquisition certification should be an important factor for all professionals in the HR domain.
Our jobs have already changed, old resumes won’t work for the newer workforce. A resume with the updated skills will determine the success of the candidate. The study by McKinsey also says, 14% of the workforce should reskill as AI and digitization takes charge and disrupt the world of work. Not to mention, certified talent acquisition professional with sophisticated skills we be the top priority for talent managers.
In the end, there is no one-size-fits-all path for one to follow. However, while one is at it, it is always recommended to follow the rules, go by the trends and stay in-sync with the current trends.