Top HR Technology Trends That Will Reshape the Future for HR Professionals
As human resource management enters the era of technology and innovation some will pause to reflect on how much or how little has the trends changed in the past decade. Increased attention of technology invading the HR domain, diversity and workplace culture has made workplaces the convergence point for some of the biggest headlines today.
On the other hand, employers are facing a daunting task of transition into the economy that is transforming business exponentially. Adapting to the newer workforce and technologies is one major trend that is seen across industries globally.
Some of the top HR technology trends HR professionals need to be aware of:
Artificial intelligence has become a topic of controversy which will continue to grow. The concept of AI is instilling fear inside human minds. Many people are worried about AI and automation taking away their jobs. But what if AI is here to slow down your pain?
Much has been spoken about, artificial intelligence is already impacting the way how HR functions. Departments like customer management and accounting have already integrated AI programs to improve functionality.
In the same manner, AI now integrated the HR space. By collecting and analyzing data, artificial intelligence is on the verge of developing the way the company interacts with the employees. At the simplest term, due to automation, now repetitive tasks that were once handled by humans can be automated. This not only helps human resource professional with their mundane tasks but also helps in decision making.
- Data: Moving and Motivating Employees
The use of data analytics is to analyze the performance of the company and predict the upcoming future. Most of the HR professionals still rely on metrics to analyze recruitment and turnover rates. However, in the U.S. in-depth analytics are currently a thing over there.
Working with the best HR and talent management team, the organization can now easily use data to determine the root of the cause behind the trends in the workplace. With the help of analytics, management issues, benefits, compensation, etc. data will not only improve the organizations’ efficiency but it will also keep your employees motivated.
By making use of the data collected from multiple sources and even from the employee experience platform, you can determine how best the employee will be able to meet the employers demands. The workers of today are interested in the rewards and compensation, but beyond this they’re even more interested in rewarding tasks, working in a culture that offers strong recognition and provides constant feedback.
In simple terms, a human resource professional wants their jobs to have experiential rewards. Most likely a stronger management training will be of aid where employees get awards and company perks. In such a situation, data analytics will be of much user usage. Technology no doubt is already transforming the way HR professionals function.
- Employee experience platforms taking the center stage
Gartner, a research firm says, by 2022 almost one-third of the mid-sized and large companies will be investing in at least one type of platform i.e. the integrated HR service delivery system (IHRSD). This software will help companies save on operational costs while mitigating risks at the same time. Besides providing information and accessibility priveledges to HR specialists and HR professionals, the IHRSD will also be able to automate basic tasks like onboarding and offboarding processes.
Employee experience platform will reduce costs, streamline administrative processes and will help integrate employees even in a changing environment.
Technology is and will transform the way we work. To stay ahead of the curve, it is essential that you start utilizing the latest tools and technologies.
Originally published at on September 16, 2019.